Monthly Archives: November 2013

Helmet Laws: What is the Answer?


Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve brought you stories that highlight what seems to be increasing government initiative to push required helmet laws on motorcyclists. Unsurprisingly, many of us are against such laws as they infringe on our freedoms to ride and treat our bodies as we see fit. Regardless, no one can deny […]

Caught In The Rain

gullstream feature

The weather and climate of Dubai is very much what you would expect from a desert.  In a year, the average rainfall totals 3.711 inches, so when it does rain, I’m sure it’s more of a burden rather than a pleasant surprise. Take the owner of this SLS AMG Gullstream as an example. They must […]

California Appeals Court Overturns ‘Inconsistent’ $3.5 Million Verdict in Corvette Fire Case


Calling a decision by a San Diego County Superior Court jury “inconsistent,” a state appeals court in California has overturned a $3.5 million verdict for a couple who blamed a “defective” 2005 Corvette for causing a fire that destroyed their home in 2010 and then sued General Motors. The original jury had returned a special [...]