Category Archives: Car News

Far From Fat: 2015 Mustang Lighter Than Previously Thought

Mustang pricing

Recently Ford tuner Steeda stated that the 2015 Ford Mustang had gained nearly 300lbs. Later, though, they retracted their statement saying it was just a guess based on “previous experience” with IRS suspension Mustangs. Well, now a Florida dealer has shared some new information on the 2015 Mustang and it’s some great news—in a way.

Tony and Nikki’s 1973 F-250 Build


Take a gander at Tony and Nikki’s 1973 F-250 build. Originally, these two sought out to buy a 1970s F-Series truck due to the perk of qualifying for the California Smog Exemption, but it quickly turned into a love and fascination for the classic Ford truck. A running and driving project from the start, this truck [...] More »

How not to Jump Your Jeep

Jeep airborne - featured image

This might be one of the wildest accidents with a Jeep or any other vehicle caught on camera. Captured by someone driving behind a Grand Cherokee, the 16-second video clip shows the Jeep traveling on an expressway in Kansas, and for some unexplainable reason, steering off the road right into the back of an unoccupied vehicle, and then flying into the air.