Monthly Archives: February 2014

Kimi Raikonnen Spins Trying to Tame LaFerrari


We’re a generation of backseat experts. Professional spectators with unlimited access to all manners of media that increasingly allows us to put ourselves into the roles of the very figures we’d love to emulate. I’ll admit, I’ve probably watched every time attack lap performed by the Stig and thought to myself how easy he makes [...]

Mercedes-Benz Builds Seven of the Top-20 Most Expensive Vehicles to Insure in America

Four Mercedes-Benz Models that are Costly to Insure

The 2014 Mercedes-Benz CL550 4MATIC is the third most expensive new car to insure in America, with a nationally averaged $3,019 per-year premium. Driving a Mercedes-Benz represents success and accomplishment, but even the richest people get irked at high insurance rates. If you are privileged enough to own a 2014 Mercedes-Benz CL550 4MATIC, SLS AMG GT, G63 […]