Author Archives: Jonathon Klein

IM01 is the Racecar of the Future. Nürburgring, You’ve Been Put on Notice


What happens when you cross a Formula 1 car, a World Endurance LeMans prototype, and a group of design and engineering students? You get this unholy monstrosity. This is the IM01. The name stands for InMotion Motorsports, the group challenged to build this creation, and the chassis number, 01. The car, if you could call [...]

A New Lamborghini SV Maybe Coming!


In the world of supercars, one moniker is definitely above the rest. That name, SV. Standing for Super Veloce, the SV status has only been imbued on the utmost batcrap crazy of Lamborghini’s. A tradition that started with the SV making its debut on the Miura, the SV badge indicated that there was something extra [...]