Tag Archives: ScionLife.com

Drift-Spec FR-S and tC Roast Tires


We all know that Scion is big into the drift scene. Heck, they’ve been into it since before they actually had a car that could do drifting. Of course the FR-S has been swept into the slideways driving craze, but Scion has put their weight behind the TC too. This is the opening salvo from Scion’s [...]

Scion FR-S Goes Snow Drifting on Frozen Lake

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Down here in Southern California, it’s spring time. It’s not like we have seasons here (what is this “snow” you speak of?), but we still love drifting. You’d think that without snow and stuff, we’d have one over on places like Norway which suffers sub-freezing temperatures for months on end… This video has me thinking [...]