Author Archives: Tim Wu

STI Review Roundup, Just How Awesome Is it?


Pulling information from multiple sources on this one as my Twitter feed’s been absolutely blowing up from the number of articles and reviews on our favorite rally rocket, Subaru’s WRX STI. Subaru is one of those companies that invokes an unparalleled “love it or hate it” responses. Their historical news stream is dotted with a [...]

Alfa Romeo (Sort of) Returns to the U.S.


Some exciting news from Alfa Romeo, the famed Italian automakers and masters of emotional manipulation. Recently, they’ve announced their plans to return to the U.S. “For real this time” through the words of their shareholding parents, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. One caveat. If you were hoping to test drive one, it’d be best to bust out [...]

Watch this Twin-Turbo C7 Burn Rubber At Sunset


Watching this video is kind of like being back on the playground as a child (stay with me here). Or, it’s kind of like being the middle child, or as a participating athlete in any level of competitive sports. To clarify my reference, it’s a moment we’ve all encountered. You’re doing whatever activity it is, [...]

Exactly What Makes the Corvette C7.R Racer Beastly?


Something I really enjoy whenever reading/hearing/watching anything from GM’s media bank is just how geeky their engineers get in their interviews. GM really seems to enjoy mixing their engineers in with the marketing folks. It’s a subtle distinction that we can appreciate when these uber-geeky technical moments come out among the marketing releases and emotional [...]